Hello, my name is Timer
As you can probably see, I am well loved and cared for
But I recently spent nine hours in the cold
I flew away from my Mom
Thankfully I was found rather quickly
This page is my way of thanking all the wonderful people
who sent help and prayers
until I was safely home again

If you get lost too
Here are links to some people who will help you

Each link opens a new window so you don't loose this list

Bird Hot Line
4 Our Birds
Bird 911
Parrot Lost & Found
Bird Chat Groups
Planned Parrothood
Avian Help Board

If you know of others who will help
Please email that information to be added to this list

Of course the best way to be sure you don't get lost
is to ask your Mom & Dad or your vet to
clip your wings

Here is some help with that too

Wing Clipping
Tips From the Vet
Clipping Weaning Babies


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